Our PTA is busy everyday! We are a volunteer, parent-run organization committed to making our school community closer, better informed, and more active! We:
Collaborate with school administrators, teachers, families, and representatives in our Whitman Cluster.
Organize fun events for our students and families.
Organize community support programs.
Purchase equipment for classrooms and recess.
Maintain our one-of-a-kind planetarium, and so much more!
Wood Acres PTA Board members and Committee Chairs, along with parent volunteers and donors like you, make it possible for the PTA to support our teachers and enhance the learning experiences of our children.
Click here to download organizational chart
Click here to download the contact list of board & committee chairs
President: Alli Matthews
Executive Vice President (EVP): Elizabeth Scruggs
Treasurer: Stephanie Hartzberg
Secretary: Alexis Kahn
Trustees: Maura Merlis, Kathryn Powell & Niki Engle-DeMonaco
Staff Representative: Dr. Sweta Zaks
MCCPTA Representatives: Alexis Rice & Lindsay Thompson
Whitman Cluster Representatives: Scott Baute & Laura Hall
VP Academic Support: Natalie Miller
VPs Communications: Michelle Mesen & Saira Spicknall
VPs Community & Family Support: Kara Carpluk & Sarah Bower
VP Educational Issues: Purcie Bennett-Nickerson
VPs Fundraising: Deb Klotz & Suzanne Kimpel
VPs Faculty & Facility Support: Emily Jackson & Jessica Clancy
Support the pta!
Our PTA is a success thanks to the time, support and talents of our WAES parents. The PTA is funded by annual membership dues and donations to the Wood Acres PTA Annual Fund. This fund supports PTA-sponsored events and “extras” for our students and teachers not covered by the MCPS budget.
Parents like you make a huge difference for the entire WAES community. Whether you only have an hour to spare or time to work on a long-term project, there’s a volunteer opportunity that fits every schedule.
If you have questions about volunteer opportunities, please visit How You Can Help, contact the events committee chair or Board members listed above.
PTA Board members are nominated every year for a two year term. For position descriptions, click here.
New to Wood acres?
We look forward to getting to know you!
Please sign up for the PTA listserv with Membership Toolkit to be informed about PTA events and volunteer opportunities. Updates start over the summer, so don’t delay!
Check out our Newcomers Resource Guide. This is a starter guide to help familiarize you with the school, how to register, activities-based organizations and other non-PTA sponsored resources you can find in the area.