Here are the nominees for the 2018-19 PTA Board

The Wood Acres PTA Nominating Committee is pleased to announce the following slate of nominees for the 2018-2019 PTA Board of Directors:

President: Claire Hearle

Executive Vice President:  Clare Schmitt

Secretary: Alicia Green

Treasurer: Sonya Sbar*

VP Academic Support: Jennifer Sun*

VP Communications: Nikki Hansel

VP Educational Issues: Katie Blot*

VP Faculty & Facility Support: Laura Emmett O'Connor*

VP Family & Community Support: Elena Naum*

VP Fundraising: Nancy Burke

MCCPTA Representatives:  Courtney Dorning* and Kathryn Powell

Whitman Cluster Representatives: Sheila Bruch and Sandy Zuylen

Trustees: Andrea Hester, Laura Leonhardt* and Courtney Moseman*

* Continuing in current role on the PTA Board.

Additional nominations may be submitted in writing no later than 7:00 p.m. on April 30, 2018.  Written nominations can be left in the Secretary's folder in the PTA box on the table in the Wood Acres lobby or forwarded by email to current PTA Secretary, Clare Schmitt (receipt will be confirmed).  In accordance with the PTA's bylaws, nominations may not be made from the floor at the May 1st PTA General Membership meeting at 7pm in the Media Center.

Jessica Garcia Stember