Wood Acres Elementary School New Family Resource Guide

Welcome to Wood Acres Elementary School!

The Wood Acres PTA would like to welcome you to our school community. We put together some resources to help your family get to know the school, our PTA, and a sampling of what the broader community has to offer through local sports organizations, music and art, theater and dance, etc. This is just a starter guide to help familiarize you with some of what you can find in the area. Our PTA is very active in school-based and community-wide activities and events. We sponsor special school programs, act as a resource for families and teachers, purchase equipment for classroom support, engage in community outreach and much more.

We look forward to getting to know you!


Wood Acres Elementary School

Wood Acres Elementary School (WAES) was first constructed in 1952 on donated land. Over the years, we have had three renovations on to the school building with the most recent--an eight room addition--completed in 2016. In 2017, our student population expanded as we became a home to special education preschool classes (PEP).

There are many reasons to love WAES, but there is one reason that’s at the top of everyone’s list: our very own Planetarium! Our Osceola Sexton Planetarium was created in 1975 by the parent community at the school and has been going strong ever since. The planetarium is run entirely by parent volunteers and is funded by the PTA!

The school office is open Monday through Friday 8:30am - 4pm. The children’s school hours are 8:55am - 3:25pm.

If your child is not yet enrolled at the school, please remember to register by calling the school at (240) 740-1120.

Visit the school website for more details.

Our mascot is the Wildcat, and our school colors are royal blue and white. Go Wildcats!

Wood Acres PTA

Our PTA is a volunteer, parent-run organization committed to making our community closer, more active, and better informed! Learn more about who we are, what we do, and how to help this school year by exploring this website.

The Wood Acres PTA collaborates with school administrators, teachers, families, and representatives in our Whitman Cluster to foster an amazing school and school community for our students. PTA Board members, Committee Chairs and volunteers, and our WAES community make it possible for the PTA to support our teachers and enhance the learning experiences of our children.

We organize many activities including room parents and class parties, community service events for our sister school in MCPS, WAES family events, purchase teacher and recess equipment to support both academic and facilities expenses not covered by the MCPS budget, staff and maintain the planetarium, and more!

Check out the rest of this website for full details on other ways you can support the PTA, and how to volunteer!

If you have additional questions, you may reach out to our PTA president or our general PTA email.

Welcome Events for New Families

We host several events to welcome newcomers into the WAES community. A Kindergarten Meet & Greet in the winter for prospective new families, Kindergarten Orientation in spring, and two Newcomers Playdates in August. These playdates are a great opportunity to meet other WAES families before the school year begins. Be sure to register with the school office so we have your email address!

Every year, we host a Back to School picnic in the first few weeks of school. This is a wonderful event with music, food, and an opportunity to meet the PTA and all WAES families. To ensure you receive information related to the Newcomers Playdates and Back to School picnic, please sign up for Membership Toolkit today (see below).

Get Connected, Stay Connected

To help you become better acquainted with all school, county and PTA activities, there are several key communications sign-ups for your family to get and stay in-the-know!

  • Sign up for the all-important Principal Updates: Call the school at (240) 740-1120 to enroll your child/children. Your contact information will be added to the school’s distribution list. Updates start over the summer so don’t delay.

  • Don't miss out on Wood Acres PTA activities! The PTA would like to remind you to sign up for the school directory, aka Membership Toolkit. This is a super important step to ensure you are receiving all PTA school-wide & room parent emails. Updates start over the summer so don’t delay! Here is the link to Membership Toolkit.

  • Log into ParentVue: ParentVUE is the primary home-to-school communication vehicle for schools to share information regarding grades, attendance, scheduling, log into myMCPS Classroom, and more. For families new to MCPS, a letter with login information was mailed to your home over the summer. Click here to log in to ParentVUE. If you have trouble with your parent login and password, please call the WAES front office at (240) 740-1120.

  • Sign up for Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) alerts: This site allows you to receive text messages or emails from MCPS during weather-related emergencies and other major events that impact school system operations. Click here to sign up.

Community Resources

Below are some of the many activities available to help familiarize you with some of what you can find in the area. The programs and organizations listed are not sponsored or endorsed by the PTA or Wood Acres Elementary School (WAES). Please contact the organizations directly with questions or concerns.


Community Resources Guide


MSA (Montgomery Sports Ass’n – soccer, baseball/T-ball,
basketball, flag football, tennis, golf, street hockey)
i9 Sports (soccer, basketball, baseball)i9sports.com301-983-2227
KOA Sports (baseball, field hockey, basketball,
flag football, street hockey)
Kidball (baseball, flag football, basketball)clubs.bluesombrero.com301-983-0543
MSI (Montgomery Soccer Inc.)msisoccer.org301-762-4674
Brit-Am Soccer Academybrit-am.com301-656-2636
PPA – The Player Progression Academyppateam.com540-884-2554
Potomac Soccer Associationpotomacsoccer.org301-519-8070
Maryland Rush Montgomerymarylandrush.com301-892-1757
Bethesda Soccer Clubbethesdasoccer.org240-477-2504
Flag Star Footballflagstarfootball.com202-468-1516
Maplewood Athletic Ass’nleaguelineup.com301-530-4121
Montgomery County Recmontgomerycountymd.gov240-777-6810
PPA – The Player Progression Academyppateam.com540-884-2554
Tru2Form Hoopstru2formhoops.com240-459-0949
One on One Basketballdc.1on1basketball.com202-244-4838
ProFit Basketball Trainingprofitathletes.comjulian@profitathletes.com
6th Man Sportsgo6thman.com240-245-0134
BCC (Bethesda Chevy Chase)bccbaseball.com301-229-2724
6th Man Sportsmclittleleague.orginfo@mclittleleague.org
BCC Softballbccbaseball.com301-229-2724
Red Raiders Softballredraidersoftball.org301-515-3385
Next Levelnextlevelspartans.comcourtney@nextlevelspartans.com
Bethesda Lacrossebethesdalacrosse.orgbethesdalacrosseadmin@comcast.net
MC Elitemcelitelacrosse.comadmin@mcelitelacrosse.com
Four Star Tennis4startennis.com301-299-0007
Bethesda Tennis Academybethesdatennisacademy.com301-365-1541
Silver Starsgosilverstars.com301-589-0938
KOA Sportskoasports.org301-229-7529
Next Levelnextlevelfieldhockey.bonzidev.com240-497-1460
Washington Wolveswolvesfieldhockey.comwolvesfieldhockey@gmail.com
Culkin Schoolculkinschool.com301-593-9600
District Irish Dance Academydistrictirishdance.com301-512-7355
Montgomery Youth HockeyMyha.orginfo@myha.org
Cabin John Ice Rinkmontgomeryparks.org301-765-8620
Sea Devilsseadevils.org703-917-9208
Montgomery Aquatic Centermontgomerycountymd.gov240-777-8070
Nation's Capital Swim Clubnationscapitalswimming.com703-709-8274
All Star Aquaticsteamunify.com301-767-6538
RMSC (Rockville Montg. Swim Club)rmscswimming.com240-314-8750
Girls on the Rungirlsontherunofmoco.org301-881-3801
Bethesda Track Clubbethesdatrackclub.org301-728-0995
Movement (Formerly Earthtreks)movementgyms.com240-283-9942
Sandy Spring Adventure Parksandyspringadventurepark.org240-389-4386
Climb Zoneclimbzone.us301-708-2700

Family Leisure:

Capital Crescent Trail – walking, running, bikingcctrail.org
Glen Echo Parkglenechopark.org
C & O Canal - hiking, biking, runningnps.gov
Great Falls Park - hikingnps.gov
Clemyjontri - accessible parkfairfaxcounty.gov
Hadleys (Falls Rd) - accessible park
Fletchers Boathouse - canoeing, kayakingboatingindc.com301-983-2227
Swimming Club - Mohicanmohicanpool.org
Swimming Club - Merrimackmerrimackpool.org
Swimming & Tennis Club - Palisadespalisadespool.com
• YMCA (Bethesda-Chevy Chase)ymcadc.org301-530-3725
• Levellevelfitness.com301-229-0080
• EquinoxEquinox.com301-652-1078
• Fitness First866-580-3444
• Sport & Healthsportandhealth.com301-656-9570
• Washington Sports Clubmysportsclubs.com301-896-0505
Little Falls Librarymontgomerycountymd.gov240-773-9520
Butlers Orchardbutlersorchard.com301-972-3299
Homestead Farmwww.homestead-farm.net301-977-3761
Brookside Gardensmontgomeryparks.org301-962-1400


Washington Conservatory of Musicwashingtonconservatory.org301-320-2770
International School of Musicismw.org301-320-4400
Levine School of Musiclevinemusic.org202-686-8000


Glen Echo Parkglenechopark.org301-634-2222
Young Rembrandtsyoungrembrandts.com301-620-2995
Art Worksartworksclasses.com301-656-0044
Creative Youthcreative-youth.com240-800-4916


Adventure Theatreadventuretheatre-mtc.org301-634-2270
Imagination Stage (theater, dance)imaginationstage.org301-961-6060
Roundhouse Theatreroundhousetheatre.org240-644-1100


Joy of Motionjoyofmotion.org301-986-0016
City Dancecitydance.net240-242-3646
Washington Balletwashingtonballet.org202-362-3606
Attitude En Pointeattitudeenpointe.comcontact@attitudeenpointe.com
Candace Sheppard Dance Academycshepparddanceacademy.com301-996-0680
Bethesda Conservatory of Dancebethesdaconservatoryofdance.com301-654-2200
Maryland School of Dancemarylandschoolofdance.org301-984-4181


Girl Scoutsgscnc.org410-358-9711
Boy Scoutsncacbsa.org301-530-9360
Mad Sciencemadscience.org301-593-4777
Big Learning/FLES (Foreign Language
in Elementary Schools)

Family Resources:

Suburban Hospital8600 Old Georgetown Rd., Bethesda, MDsuburbanhospital.org301-896-3100
Sibley Hospital5255 Loughboro Rd, Washington, DCsibley.org202-537-4000
Montgomery Mall7101 Democracy Blvd., Bethesda, MDwestfield.com301-469-6000
Tysons Corner Mall1961 Chain Bridge Rd., McLean, VAshoptysons.com703-893-9400
PEP - Parenting Encouragement Programpepparent.org301-929-8824
Bethesda Urban Partnershipbethesda.org301-215-6660
Children Thrive Action Networkchildrenthriveaction.org