Bingo Night
This group organizes and runs a night of bingo fun for the whole family for grades PreK-2. Volunteers are needed to help with food booths, call bingo numbers, obtain prizes, and general set up and clean up.

Scholastic Book Fair
This committee organizes the annual Scholastic Book Fair at the school. Duties include, working with the Media Center specialist on logistics, getting parent volunteers, set-up and take down, and others needed to host the event.

Dance Party
This committee plans and organizes the Dance Party for grades 3-5. Volunteers are needed to communicate with the deejay, advertise and sell tickets, and to chaperone and help with food sales on the night of the event.

This committee organizes a community Spring JogFest, which offers a 5-K run, and fun runs and walks for all ages. Many volunteers are needed to obtain sponsors, order t-shirts and medals, secure food donations, distribute race packets and to marshal the course on the morning of the event.

Skate Night
This group arranges for a winter family evening of ice-skating fun at Cabin John Ice Rink. Volunteers are needed to advertise and sell tickets for the event.

Spirit Sales
This committee works with the Fundraising VPs and printing vendor to manage the sales of WAES Spirit Wear for staff, families, and students. This usually includes t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, etc.

WAES PTA Annual Fund
This committee coordinates the PTA's largest fundraiser of the year. The money raised accounts for over 55% of the PTA budget, and 100% of the donations are used to fund technology, visiting artists, assemblies and supplies that support and enrich teaching and learning at Wood Acres.