Green Team
This group promotes environmental awareness within the Wood Acres community by encouraging recycling and energy/fossil fuel conservation, supporting the student Green Team and reducing waste.

ICB Coordinator
This person works closely with the school secretary and the MCPS rep of the ICB (Interagency Coordinating Agency) to coordinate and submit requests for building space usage for PTA events. This person must go to a one-time training session.

Lost and Found
This committee periodically sorts through and displays the items collected in the Lost & Found bins and alerts the school community via PTA listserv to collect lost items. The committee also coordinates the donation of any items not claimed.

Lunch/Recess Volunteers
This committee is responsible for organizing training and scheduling the many volunteers needed to assist in the lunchroom and at recess. This committee also purchases recess equipment needed for the school.

Media Center Volunteers
This committee consists of volunteers who are scheduled (generally for two hours every other week) to staff the checkout desk, re-shelve books, assist students with finding books and perform other responsibilities in the Media Center as requested by the Media Specialist.

Room Parent Coordinator
This volunteer is responsible for recruiting coordinators to organize the room parents for each grade level (three or four room parents per class). This committee is responsible for organizing email lists for each class and for designating a coordinator for each grade. This committee is also responsible for working closely with the PE teacher to coordinate Field Day activities (a year-end event) and recruits volunteers to help at this outdoor event.

Staff Appreciation
This committee acknowledges holidays, staff changes, birthdays and other special events for the teachers and school staff. It also organizes an end-of-year luncheon for faculty and staff.