This committee provides information and support to families of children in the ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) program. It hosts social events as well as informational meetings particular to the interests of those families.

Special Education
The committee provides targeted information and support to families of special education students. It hosts Special Needs Parent Network meetings and serves as an advocate and liaison on issues regarding programs for special education students.

Curriculum & Accelerated/Enriched
This committee monitors issues related to curriculum and testing at the county and state levels, as well as the implementation of the new MCPS grading and reporting policy. Volunteers monitor the work of the MCCPTA Curriculum Advisory committee and the MCCPTA Grading and Reporting Implementation Team, and reports to the Educational Issues group and entire PTA as appropriate.
As part of the Educational Issues branch, this group monitors issues related to gifted education at the MCPS and MSDE levels. It monitors GT issues through MCCPTA and Gifted and Talented Association (GTA) listservs and meetings, as needed. The volunteers report activity and recommend actions to the Educational Issues group and entire PTA, as appropriate

Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
The committee provides targeted information and support to families of diverse cultural, racial and ethnic backgrounds. It hosts social and informational events to promote networking, support, information sharing, cultural awareness and also serves as a liaison to other local MCPS community groups relating to race and equity.

Body Positivity & Mental Health

Global Citizenship