Art Festival
This committee is responsible for the organization of the annual Art Festival. Volunteers are needed to collaborate with the art teacher & art fair vendor, and to set up and clean up on the evening of the event.

Big Train Night
This committee arranges for Wood Acres representation at a Bethesda Big Train baseball game. This involves arranging for a faculty member to throw out a first pitch and for discounted tickets. Volunteers are needed to advertise and promote the event.

Candy Collection
After Halloween, this committee collects unwanted candy and identifies charities to receive the collection. This committee donates the candy to charities.

Community Service
This committee works with Montgomery County to identify and implement projects for participation by Wood Acres students and the PTA. In the past, students and families have made sandwiches for Martha's Table and provided clothing, food, book and toy donations to our sister elementary schools and other sites. Volunteers are needed to organize and deliver donations and to help students participate in these activities.

Dine-Out to Donate
This committee organizes two Pizza Nights each school year, usually at Ledo's Pizza, to benefit our MCPS sister schools, Oak View and New Hampshire Estates. Enjoy a meal from Ledo’s and a portion of your bill will pay for PTA activities at our sister schools

Fifth Grade Farewell
This committee is comprised of primarily fifth grade parents who plan and execute the 5th grade farewell activities (the pool party, memory book, slide show, etc.) and support the school staff who plan the promotion ceremony. A group of fourth grade parents traditionally volunteer during the ceremony.

Holiday Wishes
Make the holidays brighter by granting the wishes of a child from Wood Acres ES, New Hampshire Estates ES and Oak View ES. This committee collects holiday gift lists, maintains the sign-up genius for donations, collect the gifts, and deliver the gifts to our sister school coordinator.

International Night
International Night is a celebration of Wood Acres’ multi-cultural diversity. This very popular event takes place once every two years and features food, performances and exhibits from many countries of the world.

Kindergarten Orientation

Martha's Table
Collect donated PB&J sandwiches, muffins, fruit, trail mix and other food that will be given the very next day to hungry people on the streets of DC by McKenna’s Wagon.

School Supplies
This committee works with the school staff to collect classroom supply lists at the end of the school year, and share with our school supply vendor. This committee shares the purchasing information with our school community.

Shoe Collection
This committee collects donated gently worn shoes and coordinates with our MCPS sister schools for distribution.

Thanksgiving Food
Make Thanksgiving better for hungry families with canned and boxed foods for Bread for the City. This committee coordinates the annual food drive the week before Thanksgiving by sharing collection details with our school community, collecting food each day, and working with the receiving organization to pick up the donated items.

Used Book Drive
This committee collects donated gently used children's books and coordinates with our MCPS sister schools for distribution.

Warm Clothing Drive
Share your warmth with families at our sister schools and Wood Acres by passing along clean coats, sweaters, gloves and hats in infant to adult sizes.

Wildcat Welcome & Newcomers Play Dates
This committee organizes a small number of informal play dates in the park during the summer. These play dates are a chance for new families to meet and learn about the school. The committee selects the dates and brings snacks and drinks.