After School Activities
This committee coordinates the after school programs provided by FLEX (including chess, dance, art, music), FLES (foreign language instruction) and STEM vendors which offer extracurricular, tuition-based classes that meet once a week before or after school.

Cultural & Visiting Arts
This committee selects, schedules, and coordinates the arrangements for cultural arts presentations (poets, authors, opera singers, visual artists, etc.) to students, and, separately coordinates programs for established artists to come into the classroom to teach workshops related to their field of expertise.

This group oversees the Planetarium program by recruiting parent volunteers and scheduling classes throughout the year. Planetarium volunteers are required to be trained on the planetarium equipment and in various topics of astronomy. The training program for new volunteers is offered at various times, usually in October and November. Most new volunteers attend two sessions to learn the equipment and absorb the experience of our very capable trainers.

Science Fair
This committee organizes our annual science fair which encourages students from K-5 to create and display an age-appropriate science fair project. The committee needs volunteers to set up and judge the fair.

Space Night
Every two years this committee organizes a fun-filled evening of games, contests, experiments, and activities celebrating space, astronomy, and our very own Planetarium. Many volunteers are needed to make this evening a success.

Wizard of Oz
This group oversees this extracurricular, fee-based event for 4th grade students in the spring. Click here for more information.